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Friday 22 May 2015

My Penny Stock Sniper Review

My review of Penny Stock Sniper

My Review of Penny Stock Sniper

I had to check out Jeff Avery. He’s the guy behind

Here’s a man who has a track record with these types of impressive gains:

CCRY - 196.9%
OPTT - 243.63%
VODG - 200%
ITMV - 203%
SOUL - 393.33%
BIZM - 266.67%
FITZ - 2,153%

You can’t ignore those kinds of results. It’d be foolish to chalk it up to just luck. And that why I decided to review his stock picking service for you.

Jeff’s service, centers on alerting investors regarding promising penny stock picks via SMS and email.

Jeff’s attitude is pretty controversial. He advocates avoiding what he calls “the CNBC mindset”. He prefers to focus on opportunities which are either too small for CNBC to care about, too controversial or just too off-the-beaten-track.

Examples of these would be the well-vetted marijuana stocks that were popular early on and more recently ebola stocks. There are some major gains being racked up in those areas.


“Your time is better spent researching under-the-radar stocks if you know how, because there’s a superior return on investment. Gains of 100% and more in a short period of time are frequent.” Jeff said.

Jeff went on to say “Yeah, I like to swing for the fences. Not because I always hit homeruns, but because I increase the likelihood of hitting singles, doubles and triples.”

I asked him about risk. His reply?

“Yes, OTC stocks ARE more risky. That’s a given. But that risk can be substantially mitigated with appropriately set stop limits. When you think about it, the downside risk becomes negligible compared to the sky high upside.”

You’re a fit for his service if you want to increase your gains. You’re also a fit if you want quicker results.

What’s quick? Usually anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, although some like the company True Religion climbed over a longer period of time.

Where his service really shines is for investors who don’t have the time or inclination to do the research themselves yet still want the results penny stocks can provide.

Jeff elaborated “I’ve been told I’m a stock research fanatic. But maybe more importantly, I’m also a news fanatic. I’m usually within a day or two of seeing an opportunity and jumping on it.

“Now, not every opportunity is worth pursuing but that’s not the point, is it? The point is you have to have your finger on the pulse of things to do well.

In lieu of that, you have to have someone who DOES have their finger on the pulse. That’s what makes my service different. I personally do the work. I don’t have a staff of analysts who filter or interpret things for me.”

“What I do isn’t secretive or exclusive. Everything you need to know is on the Internet these days. It’s the mere fact I’ve done it for years, I know where the highest quality information is and I have a knack for doing it that gives me the results which others struggle with.

“Look at it this way. 98% of the stock analysts are getting their newsfeed from the financial media establishment—WSJ, IBD, Barron’s, Forbes, CNBC, Bloomberg, even Motley Fool.

“It’s not news, it’s predigested propaganda masquerading as news. It can be struggle separating fact from spin. The unfortunate part is by the time you read it, profits have already been taken.”

I like what is Jeff is doing. 

He’s definitely filling a void when it comes to serving up opportunities most of us either don’t see or don’t have time to see.

>> Click here to visit the official website

Is there anything I don’t like?

Yeah, I wish he’d send out more picks, more regularly.

But I get it. He’s got a reputation and all. No sense in sending out picks just for the sake of sending them out.

>> Watch Jeff’s video now

Penny Stock Sniper Review

When you think about it, his proposition is pretty attractive. Basically, it’s “let me do the research for you and when I’ve got something I feel strongly about, I’ll send you a message. Then you can decide to participate or not.”

You can learn more about Jeff’s unique method and results here:

>> Watch Jeff’s video now

Penny Stock Sniper Reviews
